The 8th District

The 8th Judicial District Attorney's Office represents a wide and varied district that covers the New Mexico counties of Colfax, Taos, and Union and is headed by District Attorney Marcus J. Montoya. The 8th Judicial District Attorney's Office is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases in all three counties, seeking justice, and protecting the vulnerable through a fair and transparent judicial process.

District Attorney Marcus Montoya’s focus is to work with legislators in the fight to expand the rights of crime victims, forge strong law enforcement partnerships, implement diversion programs, and create community education programs and partnerships.

The 8th Judicial District comprises 9,803 square miles and is home to a total population of approximately 51,000 people. The three counties of the 8th Judicial District are all classified by the federal government as rural areas.

The District cases are handled by eight Attorneys, five Victim Advocates, one Pre-Prosecution Diversion Officer, three investigators, and a support staff of 24.

Office Locations:

Taos County - Main Office

Colfax County

Union County